Tips for Gum Recession Prevention

Gum RecessionGum recession can affect any person, even someone who has a healthy mouth. According to many studies, approximately 50 percent of people have some form of gum recession. Once you develop gum recession, it can be hard to combat, but it is not impossible. To avoid the extra hassle and dental costs, try these tips to prevent gum recession altogether.

Gum Recession Definition and Causes

Gum recession typically occurs after a person has had gum disease, which is the infection and inflammation of the gum line. It is a side effect of the gums fighting off infection and growing weaker. Because of the stress, the tissues gradually break down. Gum recession can also occur simply due to congenital causes like thin, fragile gums, which is why so many people with healthy teeth and gums experience it.

Patients also risk developing gum recession if they brush their teeth too vigorously daily. The persistent pressure on the gum line can cause it to recede. Crowded teeth and small jawbones are a few other causes of gum recession, in addition to many others. When gum recession occurs, the gingival margin (gum line) will gradually move away from the crown of the tooth, eventually exposing roots, causing discomfort, and leading to tooth loss.

Gum Recession Prevention

Here are a few mehtods for preventing gum recession:

Brushing and Flossing

The best way to prevent gum recession is to keep up with proper oral hygiene practices. People need to brush and floss daily. Brush the teeth at least twice every day, but more brushing, like after meals, is beneficial. People also need to floss once a day to keep food particles and bacteria from getting wedged into the gum line. Mouthwash can also be used daily after brushing and flossing to kill extra bacteria. These practices will help prevent gum disease that could lead to gum recession.

Regular Dentist Visits

Visiting the dentist regularly is also a great way to prevent gum recession. A dentist will be able to tell if the patient is experiencing the early signs of gum disease or gum recession. Professionals will be able to treat these conditions to prevent them from developing further. A dentist can also keep the teeth as clean as possible, so it lowers the likelihood of developing gum disease and recession.


Since crowded teeth can lead to gum recession, going through braces treatment could straighten one's teeth and prevent a recession from occurring. Braces can also make the teeth generally easier to clean, which leads to a healthier mouth overall.

Tips on Brushing

If one brushes teeth too aggressively, gum recession is inevitable. Try brushing teeth with a firm, but gentle, circular motion to clean each tooth thoroughly and gently. If you need tips on getting the best clean without harming your gums, talk to a dentist. You should also ask your dentist what type of toothbrush is best for you.

These simple steps could help prevent gum recession. If receding gums are hereditary in your family, call our Coral Gables dentist office at (305) 203-4132 and talk to your dentist about other ways you could keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. We can fill you in on everything you should know about the causes and treatment of gum recession.

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